Etienne Soubes-Goldman
Theme Guide Coordinator
"Hello! I'm Etienne, a Sheffield native and current Master's student in Public Health Management & Leadership. I'm thrilled to be part of SheffWHO, a vibrant platform connecting global health champions. Here, we share perspectives, foster collaboration, and ignite meaningful discussions.
I firmly believe that the connections and insights we gain through SheffWHO have the potential to shape the future of global health. I'm eager to contribute, learn from others, and collectively drive positive change."
Bec Archer
Theme Guide Coordinator
Hi, my name is Bec and I’m from Australia. I am part of the current Europubhealth+ Master’s Program. It is an exciting opportunity to be part of the SheffWHO legacy, enabling students to experience discussion and decision-making at the highest level of global health. I look forward to helping facilitate some interesting and promising conversations about the significant health issues we are facing in our complex and rapidly-changing modern world.